The life of a believer in christ Jesus

Pray every day and throughout the day, go to confession once a month, fast sun up sun down no food or drink, and no meat every Wednesday and Friday if your health and doctor allow, and this to honor OUR BLESSED LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST SACRIFICE ON THE CROSS IN ATONEMENT FOR ALL HUMANKIND sins, and for special intentions as needed, attend mass church service regularly every Sunday and take HOLY COMMUNION, go to adoration every week Friday if possible or every day or simply whenever one gets the chance, and spend quality time of prayers and contemplations with OUR WONDERFUL LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH JESHUA, PRAISE OUR BLESSETH HOLY TRINITY every day by raising hands and singing to HIM PRAISES SONGS AND HOLY WORSHIPS. Be kind, forgive without ceasing, constantly, love love love love love love love love love love EVERYONE, never hate, only love, be super giving, give give give, always be quick to repent and forgive, let go, let GOD, yet do your best and God will do the rest, remain at peace at all time, fear not, believing LORD JESUS IS WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES, be joyful, rejoice, be GLAD FOR CHRIST IS RISEN and so will you, as long as you remain in HIM, SO let’s FOLLOW LORD JESUS CHRIST AND REMAIN IN HIM FOREVER.

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